Thursday, January 20, 2005


Sothis interview was conducted via e-mail. I sent the questions out to one of the frontrunners for the open guitar position. His name is Dan. Here we go.

Me: So what makes you want to join bennysizzler?

Dan: Well I just got the boot from my band and was looking for something new to do.

Me: You do know they do a lot of drop d tuning stuff right?

Dan: Well i'm not sure about that but they do seem to spend alot of time tuning their guitars in the middle of the set so I guess so.

Me: Wow that's so funny. This is a great interview. I hear you want to call the first benny record "A Rainbow to Ride on". What's in a name?

Dan: Actually it's "A Rainbow to Rock on". Rainbows are magic and they make people smile. that's what I want to do. Make people smile.

Me: Scary. If this band signs, can you hang?

Dan: Come again?

Me: So do you have any words for the competition?

Dan: OK. I rule. I have the chops, the looks, the hot riffs, and the right attitude. I can practice up to three times a month and have all my own equipment.

Me: Thanks. I have no opinion on this subject.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forget the emphasis on hot looks and pro attitude.

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do the contestants know that winning the coveted slot is akin to winning a 2 dollar scratch ticket? It gits ya just enough to keep you driving one hour to practice year after year.

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You get out what you put in." That what grandfather call "birds and bees" Any wonder I'm so fucked up? - C Lee M.D.

5:58 PM  

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